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Children’s Dentistry at Albany Place Dental Practice

Mother and baby brushing teeth

By bringing your child to the dentist as soon as their first tooth erupts, they can learn healthy oral habits early on. At Albany Place Dental Practice, our gentle, friendly team is well-versed in providing dental services for children of all ages.

Starting Early

We recommend that you begin brushing your child’s teeth as soon as you see the first tooth erupt. A small, soft child’s toothbrush and water can be used. When your child reaches 18 months, you can use a pea-sized amount of children’s fluoride toothpaste that they are then able to spit out.

The many solutions we offer to our paediatric patients include:

  • Examinations and Cleanings – An initial visit for a child consists of an examination and clean to identify any potential problems. We focus on providing a positive experience that will help alleviate any nervousness your child may feel.
  • Dental Sealants – If your child is prone to tooth decay, these tooth coloured sealants protect the adult teeth at the back of the mouth.
  • Fluoride Varnish – this may be applied on areas that are demineralised. A fluoride varnish helps by adding a dose of fluoride to the tooth, potentially preventing that area from becoming decayed in the future.

Nutritional Advice for Kids

You can make an extremely positive impact on your child’s oral health by considering their food and drink. We recommend that you limit sugary treats and carbonated drinks such as soda and juice. If consumed, it’s best to drink them using a straw, reducing the amount of acid the teeth are exposed to.

Additionally, a diet with calcium-rich foods like milk, cheese and yoghurt assist in neutralising acids, further protecting the teeth.

Want to Learn More?

Come in and see our friendly dentists for a dental experience your child will love!

Albany Creek Children’s Dentist | Albany Place Dental Practice | 07 3264 2650